Latest News
June 22, 2018
2018 Making a Change Scholarships
West Suburban Community Development Corp, Nonprofit (WSCDC) partnered with Chicago High School for the Arts (ChiArts)
is pleased to offer financial assistance to students who wish to further their education/training during the 2018-19 school year.
WSCDC will offer three (3) General Education scholarships to college/university bound students, along with fifteen (15) Arts
scholarships, three (3) per art discipline (5 art disciplines: Creative Writers, Visual Artists, Musical Theatre, Band and Dance).
The general education scholarships are open to current high school seniors that have been accepted by a college or university,
and the arts scholarships are open to currently enrolled ChiArts seniors that have been accepted by a college, university or arts
based training/development program. Scholarships are funded by individual sponsors and the Parent Organization.
Application Deadline of Friday, June 22, 2018 have past and is now closed.
Finalists will be notified of award decisions by Friday, June 29, 2018.
Recipients Awards Reception will be held Saturday, July 28, 2018.
August 18, 2018
NACA Workshop
Take the First Step towards Homeownership and sign-up for a free workshop:
Saturday, August 18, 2018
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Miracle Revival Catheral
2010 St. Charles Rd
Maywood, IL 60153
To reserve a seat go to or call Toll Free: 1-888-302-6222(NACA)
August 19, 2017
Featured: Pastor DeAndre Patterson, Pastor and Singer Marvin Sapp, Radio Personality Angela Martin and Cook County
Commissioner Richard Boykin
This 2017-2018 educational year WSCDC along with their sponsors:
Pan American Bank & Trust, Wallace Funeral Home (Broadview), and Daniel and Henry Insurance Agency will offer
10 financial Scholarships: Two $1,000.00; four $500.00 and four $250.00 totaling $5,000.00.
We were looking for our next "Thinkers and Shakers", especially students of Business Technology and Communications.
WSCDC seeks to fulfill a need while empowering, supporting and sustaining communities through our young adults
who not only have something to say, but more importantly, want to give back.
BIG GIVE recipients received a 5 piece Appliance package, Airline Tickets and Gift Cards.
WSCDC has partnered with“Greater Chicago Food Depository” GCFD , see our our staff supporting the annual walk to raise
funds as well as administering food to the community along with having a dietician and healthcare insurance providers
regularly in attendance.
Our Sunday Supper with the orphanage in Oak Park. Our organization along with area youth have the privilege of providing,
serving and eating Sunday supper every other month with the youth & staff and orphanage. It’s an opportunity to give back and
share some time with youth who are housed at the Hephzibah Children Association
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