West Suburban Community Development Corp. ( WSCDC)
We are a group of individuals who want to make a difference in the community. Our Mission “To Improve the Potential of the Community".
Standing on the principle of helping others, WSCDC identified the next tier of people who have aspirations for themselves and/or their family; are looking for help but may be overlooked. We looked beyond the daily survival and thought to empower those whom “A little help” could make long lasting and sustainable improvements there-by improving the potential of the individual, the family and our community.
Currently, WSCDC is working to impact three areas that we feel offers long lasting sustainable change: Education, Housing, Community Building and Engagement.
Educational Scholarship Funding WSCDC seeks to assist those interested in furthering their education via trade schools and/or higher education. Our financial scholarships are not limited by GPA, zip code, or past life status, all can apply. We’re all Community.
August 2017 was our first annual scholarship fund. Seven monetary scholarships were given out. We asked potential participants to identify a challenge in their neighborhood, come up with a solution and videotape a one minute overview of the challenge and an answer. There were seven winners excited to win monies that assisted them in reaching their goal. Click Here to see what they are doing. Will you give? Donate for this now Donate.
WSCDC offers community workshops on pre-purchasing counseling, short-sales and foreclosure intervention or sale, and financials (credit repair, down payment assistance programs, lease with an option to buy programs and more).
Community Christmas Big Give
Our Annual Big Christmas Give is a way for WSCDC, sponsors and partners to give back to the community. Bringing together the talents, resources and skills of the people in the community, increases our collective potential and capacity through community building/bonding.
Some of our past Big Give items have been a CAR: reliable transportation can be a huge factor in gainful employment: Major APPLIANCES; we helped with renovations of a family’s home kitchen by supplying all major appliances. Our annual Christmas Give offers just what the holiday season is about “inspiration and hope towards a positive community change.
Our community of volunteers, mentors, non-profit partners, partners and sponsors work together to be part of the solution. You can too... share this link, like us, talk about us (in a good way), volunteer, partner with us, be a sponsor or donate (links to the pages).
Since our work began in our community over six years ago, we have helped inspire, shape, revitalize and mobilize the community through our three programs.